Omics and Computational Biology Laboratory


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Specific Projects

Identification of Potential Dietary Restriction Mimetics by Microarray Profiling

Calorie restriction (CR) or dietary restriction (DR) is the most compelling example of lifespan extension by external manipulation across the phyla. The theory of hormesis has been invoked to explain the life promoting effects of dietary restriction. Hormesis is defined as the beneficial effects of low intensity stressor on a cell or organism. We have found that dietary restriction or deletion of MRG19 gene (a putative transcription factor that regulates carbon and nitrogen metabolism in yeast) causes higher intracellular reactive oxygen species, augmentation of scavenging enzymes and longer lifespan compared to wild-type cells. All these results together suggest that dietary restriction as well as depletion of Mrg19p leads to a condition of mild stress that in turn enhances vitality. We are using whole genome microarray to establish gene expression profile of dietary restriction and dietary restriction mimetic mutation, which will be used to screen compound of natural and synthetic origin for CR mimetic activity.

Genomic studies of molecular alterations leading to oral carcinoma in North Indian population
Nitish Mittal and Nilanjan Roy

Squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) a sub type of head and neck cancer. In India the main factors responsible for SCC are chewing of betel quid, tobacco and smoking. Correlation of genetic predisposition with development and progression of oral carcinomas is not established unquestionably [1]. In this project we are trying to find out the abundance of known mutation in SOD and catalase genes in north Indian population and if there any correlation between the mutations and SCC penetrance in the same population. We are collaborating with ENT department of PGI for patient samples. In future we will try to find out biomarkers from biopsy samples.


Two typical gels pf PCR RFLP

1. C.B. Tripathy and N. Roy (2005) GSTM1 genotype and risk towards Head and Neck cancer in Asians and Caucasians: A Meta-analysis study Head and Neck (in press)


© Nilanjan Roy Ph.D. last updated Jan, 2006